Gematria is an ancient system of cryptic numerology wherein letters from any language can be converted into numbers. The gematria calculator is a tool used to calculate the numerical equivalent of words or phrases in various languages. While its origins are believed to be Jewish, it has been used for centuries in astrology, divination and beyond. Here's how it works:
1. Choose a language: Gematria implements alphabetical schemes which will contain different letter qualifications depending on what language you select. Different languages may have different numerical equivalents of the same letter.
2. Select a translation method: Generally speaking, the gematria calculator utilizes either the "assigning a number to each letter" approach or the "phrase total" approach.
3. Assigning a number to each letter: This approach assigns a static numerical value to each letter, usually between 1-9 as seen in Hebrew gematria, but also as high as 22 as seen in Greek gematria.. The gematria calculator then adds up the total of these numbers for every character in your phrase or word to produce your answer.
4. Phrase total approach: This method sums up all character lengthsin the phrase and subtracts out multipliers before producing a final number called an Ahkam, which then has associations with various interpretations for philosophical/spiritual purposes within Hebrew Kabbalah philosophy (for instance, please refrain from attempting prophecy).
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